
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Davenport hungry

Speaking with Najeh Davenport for the first time today since his signing by the Steelers Friday, I was struck by how hungry he is to show Green Bay that it was wrong to let him go.

Getting cut by a team that is quite possibly the worst team in football will do that to you.

Davenport feels he has plenty to prove after his release by the hapless Packers and he feels he'll fit right into the Steelers' running scheme.

We could find out as soon as Monday because Davenport will likely be active when the Steelers play at Jacksonville.

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious to see how the "Dump Truck" will do on Monday. IF he stays healthy.

    *Dump Truck is my new name for him to replace the "Bus". Comes from a certain incident he had in college in a girl's closet.
