
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday Tomlin

Mike Tomlin is clearly trying to put the Santonio Holmes situation behind the team.

Tomlin said Holmes spoke with his teammates Monday afternoon and he will be back in the starting linup next Monday night against Washington.

He also said on more than one occasion he wants the media to let this one go. That, of course, can't happen. But it does kind of show how Tomlin wants to try to control things.

Holmes will likely offer up a no comment Wednesday, but Tomlin has to understand, we have to ask him about it.

© Ryan Clark will open the week as doubtful, though Tomlin said Clark was better than the team anticipated.

Tyrone Carter will likely start if Clark can't play, showing just how far Anthony Smith has fallen in the pecking order.

© Willie Parker worked out on Tuesday morning and according to Tomlin looked good. But Tomlin has been optimistic before. They'll see how he is Wednesday before getting too excited.

© Tomlin was pressed about the return game and said Najeh Davenport is their best/only option at this point. If Parker returns, however, Mewelde Moore could go back to returning kickoffs.

© The team will sign a long snapper today. They also have a punter ready if Mitch Berger is not ready to go this week.


  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    why the freak is dookie the only option at KR? if and when parker is back, dookie should be cut. holmes can return punts with moore as KR.

  2. They're not sure Parker will be back yet.

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Retofsky was signed as the new long snapper.

  4. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I can't believe they won't give Anthony Smith another shot. He showed signs of being a great player, but he just needed to mature (in several ways). Tyrone Carter should be nothing but a special teamer at this point in his career. I agree with a lot that this coaching staff does, but this is surprising to me.

  5. the anthony smith thing bothers me too. It seems like this has become a personal thing and not a talent issue. If he is still in the doghouse, then just release him and stop wasting everyone's time.

    Ask yourself, is anything Smith has done worse than what Santonio just did?

    If its based on talent, fine, but I have a hard time beleiving Smith is less of a talent then Ty Carter.

    As long as Davenport doesn't fumble the kickoffs and gets around the 20-30, then I'm fine with it. We don't have a goodkick returner that isn't a starter. Have to deal with that.

  6. Smith isn't a talent thing? Did you see his performance overall last year? He blew more than his share of assignments. Tyrone Carter is limited to be sure, but they just don't trust Smith to handle his coverages.

  7. thats fair, but we also saw Carter in he playoff game look like he was glued to the ground.

    If they think Carter is just that much more dependable, then I'm ok with the reasons. But I think we'll see Carter exploited and I almost hope we see Smith. Its his last chance for sure, maybe he'll step up. I will say the Manning pass to Toomer was pretty much perfect, but Carter definitely was a step behind. But that pass might be completed no matter what.

  8. It was pretty much a perfect pass. No guarantee that Clark gets there, either.
    I'm no Ty Carter fan. I'm just telling you what their thinking is.

  9. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Personally I would roll the dice with Smith and let him start. Sure he's had some brain farts, but at least he has the skills to make plays and big hits that can change a game... Yes, I know, he can change a game in the other direction too, but Carter will be dressed anyway, so if Smith blows an assignment or two, he can be pulled.
