
Monday, November 17, 2008

The $64 million mistake

We all make mistakes from time to time. Fortunately, most aren't as costly as the one made by Scott Green in Sunday's 11-10 win by the Steelers Sunday over San Diego.

According to R.J. Bell of, Green's blown call on the final play that robbed Troy Polamalu and the Steelers of a touchdown was a $64 million swing in Las Vegas.

The Steelers were giving 5 points in the game and Polamalu's touchdown would have covered the spread.

Of course that doesn't take into account the "ahem" local interests, so you can bet - no pun intended - that the figure was actually over $100 million since most of the money was going Pittsburgh's way in this one. The spread went from 3 1/2 to 5 points in favor of the Steelers during the week.

Others who are a little angry about Green's call include fantasy owners who have either Polamalu or the Steelers defense on their teams.


  1. I hope Scott Green is getting a big fat bonus check from the bookies. Still, if I were him, I wouldn't start my own car for a while. There's got to be a lot of pissed off gamblers looking for him. Just glad I'm not a betting man...

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Any news on Heath Miller? Is he going to practice this week?

  3. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I watched the press sounds like Miller is unlikely to play, but has a chance. Keep in mind, he has been saying the same thing about Marvel Smith too.

    I think we'll see Miller back against the Pats.

  4. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I need some new info. I've been looking at this $64 million mistake tooo long. Come on Dale, help me out here. It's a short week and my A.D.D. is starting to kick in! Who's in? Who's out? Hows Stapelton?


  5. Anonymous5:25 PM

    P.S. Could you also tell Ike that he looks like an idiot waiving his fingures in front of his face every time he make a play. I'm waiting for a W.R. to do it back to him when he gets beat on a T.D. I hope it doesn't happen though. The T.D. that is.


  6. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Zeke, I'm sure Ocho Cinco and T.O. have that in mind for our upcoming games. Look at the Bengals games thus far this year, they have played teams pretty tough. I think we will have ourselves a fight this Thursday.

  7. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I believe the thing Ike does with hands in front of his face comes from his website at
