
Monday, January 05, 2009

Monday news

Ben Roethlisberger has been cleared to play Sunday by team doctors and should be good to go against the San Diego Chargers.

That, of course, was just some of the big news for the Steelers today.

Linebacker James Harrison became the fifth member of the Steelers to win the AP's Defensive Player of the Year award.

Harrison joins the elite company of Joe Greene, Jack Lambert, Mel Blount and Rod Woodson as Pittsburgh players who have won the award. The first three are in the Hall of Fame, while Woodson will be voted in this year.

Harrison outpointed DeMarcus Ware by nine votes. Troy Polamalu also garnered two votes.


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Any word on Ryan Clark?

  2. He likely won't go until toward the end of the week.

  3. Dale,

    Any word on how Ben's arm looked? I'm hearing reports of Ed Bouchette saying his arm looked dead? Hopefully that's not a shoulder thing. costanza2k1 from

  4. Dead compared to watching Leftwich all last week? Ben doesn't have Leftwich's arm. Leftwich doesn't have Ben's knack for puling the fat out of the fire.

  5. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Lefty doesn't have Ben's knack for putting the fat in the fire in the first place either. :)

  6. That's a big claim to make, given he's played two non-consecutive halves this season. He was cut by Jacksonville and ATLANTA last year -- for a reason.

  7. Anonymous11:08 AM

    3 Full years 3 Partial years: 54 TD 38 INT HIGH TD: 15

    5 full years: 101 TD 69 INT HIGH TD: 32

    Now, I will be the first to tell you that Ben is not having a good year, but IMO Ben is still the better QB.

  8. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Clark apparently practiced yesterday... Todays PG.

  9. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Why do the talking heads keep saying that a high of 19 degrees Sunday is good for the Steelers? Ben never plays well in the cold. Maybe past Steeler teams are more equipped for the cold weather, but this year's team is at a disadvantage in bad weather.

  10. Anonymous6:05 PM

    San Diego Chargers wide receiver Vincent Jackson was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of drunken driving.


  11. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Since it's a slow news day...w/o asking you trash your friend and co-worker (obviously), what do you make of Jim Wexell's quite negative piece on Steel City Insider from a day or so ago? The one titled "musings from my notebook" or something like that...

    Jim seems to be very pessimistic about this team's chances, which is fine, but I'm more bothered by the fact that he comes off as having a big dislike for Roethlisberger (he refers to him as a "rock star" at one point, and indicates that Leftwich should start).

    Did I just read this wrong?

  12. No, you didn't read it wrong. Jim doesn't like QBs coming off of concussions. I disagree. I think Roethlisberger will be fine.

    I also think the Steelers can run on the Chargers. I'm not so sure the Chargers can run on the Steelers. I think that's where the weather becomes a factor.

  13. Anonymous1:09 PM

    When has the 2008 Steelers' offense played well in cold weather?
