
Friday, January 16, 2009

Will they or won't they/picks

Cornerback Samari Rolle is doubtful to play Sunday against the Steelers, while linebacker Terrell Suggs is questionable.

I expect Suggs to play, or at least try to, with his shoulder dislocation. How long he lasts, is the only thing in question.

Rolle, on the other hand, won't play, which will leave the Ravens very thin at cornerback considering Chris McAlister is already on injured reserve. I don't think the Steelers are too concerned with Frank Walker and Fabian Washington at cornerback.

Troy Polamalu and Justin Hartwig are both probable for the Steelers and are their only players on the injury list.

© I'm 6-2 in the playoffs thus far after my 4-0 opening weekend. I blew it changing my mind and picking the Giants over the Eagles based on the early weather report. I should know by now that you can't trust a meteorologist.

This week we have a couple of intruguing matchups.

In the NFC, Philadelphia is favored by four points at Arizona. The over-under for running plays in this game combined are 35. Neither team runs it a whole lot. The Eagles trounced the Cards earlier this season in Philadelphia, but I don't see that happening again. Anquan Boldin will be back for Arizona, which could make a big difference. And the Cardinals are 7-2 at home this season. Take Arizona, 31-27

In the AFC, the Steelers are 6-point favorites over the Ravens. That would seem strange consideing the Steelers beat the Ravens twice this season by a combined seven points. And we all know how tough it is to beat a team three times in a season - OK, not really. The team that won the first two matchups is 3-1 in this situation in championship games and there's no reason to think the Steelers won't make it four out of five. They're the better all-around team. Joe Flacco will make a rookie mistake or two in this game and the Steelers will win, 24-10.


  1. Issue of note that I have been posting is that Suggs backup Barnes is OUT for the game, so that means a third string guy will start their and that their linebacker depth as a whole will be really stretched.

  2. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Wow, picking the Cards? Surprised there actually. I've been thinking it would be a PA Super Bowl this whole time, but we'll see. That Fitz is one impressive WR.

  3. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I don't see how Suggs can be the least bit effective playing with a hurt shoulder. Even he plays with a harness and/or a painkiller shot, you have to be able to use both your arms at LB.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    if he plays im hoping they dust off the power sweep. kemo running downhill at suggs would remind him of his pending free agency

  5. I don't see Suggs playing as anything more than a pass rusher on obvious passing downs, maybe 10 to 15 snaps. They won't want him having to hold the point against the run.

  6. Anonymous8:06 PM


    I just wanted to leave a comment to thank you for keeping up with this blog. For many of us, especially the ones that live away from Pittsburgh, we miss out on much of the local scoop on the Steelers. It's awesome to come here and not only get the news but also to get an insider to take the time to answer our questions. Most reporters (insiders) feel too important to give his time to the regular folks. Thanks.

  7. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I second that! It is def much appreciated.

  8. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Anyone know which shoulder is dinged?

  9. Looking like the Cardinals are going to hold up their end of the bargain.

  10. Anonymous6:33 PM


    First, let me throw another Thank you for you doing this blog. Since I have found it, I read it DAILY. LOVE IT!!!!

    Second, I find it really amazing how close you come on your picks. 31-27 is your prediction....score 32-25. WOW!!
