
Friday, March 27, 2009

Smith signs with 49ers

According to the Santa Rosa Press, offensive tackle Marvel Smith has signed a contract with the San Francisco 49ers.

The oft-injured left tackle agreed to an incentive-laden deal to prove that his back, which has required surgery in each of the past two years, will hold up.

Interestingly enough, the 49ers also released equally oft-injured tackle Jonas Jennings Friday.

If they're hoping Smith will help ease that loss, they apparently haven't learned much from Jennings playing in just 23 of a possible 64 games since signing him to a seven-year, $36 million deal in 2005.


  1. Viz-Burgh9:19 PM

    Good for Marvel. I wish him the best & hope he can stay healthy & end his career on his own terms. Underrated Steeler IMO & was always a lunch pail guy. Hope he can play a full season for them.

  2. Anonymous12:33 AM


    Any word whether the Steelers have offered Starks a long term deal? Or are they waiting to see whether one of the top LTs fall to them in the draft?

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    2 guys gone...nobody signed as a UFA. At this point, I would say we might not sign anyone at all. Good chance we get some more compensation picks next year.

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Starks will not sign a long term deal . . . he has absolutely no incentive to do so.

  5. other patrick11:58 PM

    Any word on the size of Marvel's contract over there? Good luck to him. Hopefully looking at some nice comp picks next year. McFadden and Washington are looking like 4th to 5th round comp picks.

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Starks would sign a long term deal if he was offered enough guaranteed money. The question is whether the Steelers will offer him that money or whether they plan to fill the LT position through the draft or elsewhere (Hills, free agency, etc.).

  7. Anonymous3:00 PM

    If we offer Starks long term money I will puke he is already getting 10 mill next year when he is worth about 4 or 5 tops.

  8. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Right starks would need more than 10 million guarenteed to have any incentive to sign a long term deal.

  9. Starks' incentive for a long-term deal is just that, long term. Right now, he gets his salary this season, but has nothing guaranteed beyond that. He's still a young man.
    That said, they want to get Harrison done before they start really working on that.

  10. Anonymous11:47 AM

    We we really want Starks as our lone term tackle? I would have rather we drafted a new LT years ago but as it is I would rather pay him one year's ridiculous salary than pay him for the next 4 years starting LT money only to have him be our next Simmons, Mahan signing on the oline aka a guy we cut 1 or 2 years into his deal because we totally overpaid him.

    I think with a little effort we should be able to do better than Staks but that would entail actually TRYING to get a LT.
