
Saturday, August 01, 2009

Hampton still too heavy?

Word is that Steelers nose tackle Casey Hampton may still be heavier than what the team would like - even though he completed the run test Friday – and might still be asked to sit out some practices to work with a conditioning coach.

Hampton, of course, was placed on the PUP list last season by head coach Mike Tomlin after coming into camp overweight and unable to complete the run test.

We'll see what happens.

© Mike Tomlin dropped in at our dinner tonight and had a good laugh about the Michael Vick-cab driver stuff that started on a Pittsburgh radio station today.

"If we were bringing in Vick, would we use a cab?"

That was my point about the whole thing to begin with. Stupid rumor.


  1. How'd Hamp look to you, Dale? I'm expecting a stellar effort in his contract year, which could mean great things for this defense.

  2. keep up the good work Dale. love reading your blog - especially during camp time.

  3. What's going on with the Ben Roeghlesberger situation is it going to end up being a distraction for the Steelers during the seaason

  4. Nothing going on with the Roethlisberger situation now. And no, I don't think it will be a distraction.

  5. Dale,

    Your blog is now even a bigger lifeline for us out-of-town Steelers fans now that FSP decided to shut down Savran's Sportsbeat. So keep up the great reports!

  6. Hampton practiced today according to Mike Bires from

  7. Didn't say he wasn't going to practice. Just said they still aren't happy with his weight.

  8. Anonymous12:43 PM

  9. Anonymous12:55 PM

    He's too heavy Dale, not to heavy. This is 2nd grade grammar and you're a supposed journalist. Lets try and keep up.

  10. Anonymous,

    It's "Let's" not "Lets." This is a 2nd grade typographical error. Also, you're missing the point.

  11. Uh, look at the time that post was made.
    Most of you were well into sleepytime when I was still up working. And I left my house at 9 a.m.
    Is that too hard for you to understand or would you two grammar teachers like me to tell you where you can go to.
    Is that enough correct usages for you two?

  12. i was just ribbing that guy for being an ass. i don't come here for the typing, i come here for the information. and please keep it coming. thanks, Dale.

  13. Wasn't aiming that at you Kyle.

  14. i missed the guy with the link. people and nerve, fun combo. have fun at camp.

  15. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Sometimes my mom lets me stay up late too.

  16. Anonymous9:13 AM


    Awesome stuff. I have a blog as well (not football related) and sometimes get guys wanted to correct my grammar. I suggest telling them where to go....they don't have to read if they can't get past an error now and then.

    Keep up the good work. I try to read your stuff everyday when work/life doesn't get in the way!

    Great job.

  17. Anonymous9:14 AM

    of course, I should have proofed that post before hitting "publish". Oh well, you get the point.

  18. I love how people leave smartass comments as anonymous. If you're going to call someone out, at least have the balls to register and use a real name.
