
Monday, August 31, 2009

Steelers sign Keisel, make roster moves

The Steelers signed defensive end Brett Keisel to a four-year contract extension and made five roster moves - including placing guard Darnell Stapleton on injured reserve - on Monday.

Keisel's deal will keep him in Pittsburgh through 2013.

Stapleton being placed on injured reserve means that Doug Legursky has likely earned a spot on the final 53-man roster. The Marshall product will be the team's gameday swingman at guard and center.

Released Monday to get to the NFL-limit of 75 were wide receivers Steven Black and Martin Nance, safety Derrick Richardson and center Alex Stepanovich.

The Steelers have until 4 p.m. Saturday to trim their roster to 53 players.


  1. Dale,

    Do you think that with the re-signing of Keisel that this means that Ziggy is A. Smith's replacement whenever he hangs up his cleats? (33 yrs old)

    How many years does A. Smith have left on his contract?

    And finally, do you think that maybe A. Smith has hinted that he will retire in the next year of two thus necessitating the resigning of Diesel?

    Thanks man

  2. Well Henry, it certainly means Ziggy is not here to replace Keisel. Smith is 33, but playing so well I think he could go another 3 years. I don't know if he's hinted at retirement or not.

    This will probably never happen, but wouldn't it be cool if, in 2010, Ziggy and Keisel split their reps 50-50, and then Keisel could go back to being a special teams monster? I was watching a game from 2005 when he was a backup, and he could fly down the field on punts like a safety. And can you imagine a better wedge-breaker on kickoffs? I know he's gained a little weight since then, but I bet he can still fly. I'm dreaming, I know.

    Okay, now let's get Ryan Clark signed.

  3. Dale,

    Now that Legursky is the swing C/G on game day, who do you think will be the swing tackle, J. Capizzi (my bet) or T. Hills (who I think is mediocre)?

    Also, with Keisel getting resigned, do you think they might try to save a little money and keep Sonny Harris over either Nick Eason or T. Kirschke? I think Harris is a keeper.

    Any chance something gets done with Ryan Clark, or do you think the bank is officially closed?

  4. adamg5:29 PM

    I'm not surprised Stapleton was stashed on IR this year. Chuck Noll was famous for stashing O-linemen on IR and not cost a roster spot. I won't be surprised to see McHugh or Summers or both also placed on IR this year.

    I think Legursky had the team made and this move actually makes room for Shipley.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. keevin8:54 PM

    people need to stop whining about re-signing Ryan Clark

    I love how he plays but with his style of play he can be seriously injured on one of those big hits (and he is over 30)

    These people whining about Clark were probably the same saying that we cant do without Chris Hope

    ps - we may already have Clark's replacement on our team.....Keenan Lewis, yup you heard it here first. He has the skillset to play free safety and is very physical

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Keevin,

    Was anybody here whining? We are hoping that the Steelers re-sign a crucial element to the defense. I'm all for getting a successor lined up, and Clark's style of play might make him burn out sooner than he would if he were not the tremendous enforcer that he is (but maybe not. Rodney Harrison and John Lynch played into their mid to late 30s). Also, the 29 year old Clark's previous health problems include an injury to a spleen that he no longer has. If anything happens to it again, he won't know without an e-mail.

    He's one of the most underrated players in the league. I'm not saying we need to break the bank, but if we can keep him for a reasonable price, then we need to keep him. Waa Waa Waa.

  9. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Mock 53 man roster pl0x

  10. I doubt Stapleton going to IR leaves a place for Shipley. I think they keep 2 guys who can play Center (Hartwig and Legursky, who I think has looked very comfortable running with the starters) and keep Shipley on the Practice Squad in case of injury to either one. I think the spot vacated by Stapleton is more likely to mean that 3 of Urbik, Foster, Capizzi and Hills make the roster (my choice, Urbik, Foster and Capizzi) rather than just 2.

  11. Dale, wondering if you could cast any light on why Martin Nance was cut early? I thought outise of the 5 WRs who will obviously make it, he's looked probably the most promising of the rest. Is he an early cut to give him a better shot of signing elsewhere? It was obvious he'd never make it onto our roster this year and I don't think he had any further practice squad eligibility?

  12. By the way, I think Stapleton going to IR could be a great long term thing for him too. Last year I felt he had nice footwark and good balance but that he was seriously lacking in strength and he wore down badly towards the end of the year having started out, I thought quite brightly. It didn't sound like his surgery was going to be too severe so he could be healthy sooner rather than later and he can spend the season hitting the gym, build up that strength and stamina and come back a more complete player.

  13. adamg5:10 AM

    The fact is neither Hills, Parquet nor Capizzi are likely to be claimed by other NFL teams. All are marginal NFL material. OTOH, Shipley will be snapped up by another team because the tape on him shows he can play.

  14. SKINLEY6:08 AM

    Dale, any word on Timmons' ankle? Hope he's ready for the regular season!

  15. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Please, the tape on Shipley is shorter than the one used to measure his arms.

  16. Anonymous9:27 AM

    People are over rating Shipley and over rating his potential to get picked up by other teams. I could see Capizzi getting picked up by another team off our PS because that has happened before. He spent some time with the Rams I believe then made his way back onto our roster/PS. Hills has a very small chance to get picked up off the PS. Parquet has a very slim chance of getting plucked. Shipley has very little NFL tape to go on and it’s against 3rd string defensive guys. Shipley was good in college because he made up for his size deficiencies by being the most intelligent and fundamentally sound offensive lineman on PSU's roster. Playing against college level talent helps too. It's a different game in the NFL though. If I could take Shipley’s brain and fundamentals and put them into a bigger body, I would make that guy the Steelers starting center.

  17. Vaflyer11:35 AM

    IMO, Shipley will go PS this year, with the potential to replace Hartwig next year on the roster.

    I still think the middle of this line is in better shape than the tackle position...even next year. Kemo, Legursky, and Essex as starters next year with Foster, Stapleton, and Urbik as backups. Starks and Colon are average at best OT's, but until we draft a guy to replace them we are sort of stuck with them.

  18. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Vaflyer, I agree with everything you said there

  19. Timmons in walking boot, high ankle sprain, according to Wexell.

    Gear up K. Fox because he's not playing the opener in my opinion. Conjures up way too many memories of Kendrell Bell and his high ankle sprain.

    Hopefully it doesn't go past the opener, with the long week the Steelers have after the opener.

    What a schedule break that is by the way - all training camp to prepare for week 1 and then you get a 10 day break between week 1 and week 2. Almost seems unfair for the SB champs, but you usually play a good opponent.

  20. Vaflyer2:18 PM

    Missing week 1 is the "smart" thing to do. Don't rush him back just for 1 week. By sitting him you gain an extra 10 days of rest. That is the right decision.

  21. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Dale, Why is Jim Wexell such a jackass? I figured you might have some inside info into that. Thanks, appreciate it.

  22. Hills will end up being the swing tackle, but remember that Essex would probably move out there first.

    Shipley is not making this roster. Sorry, I just don't see it happening.

    Aaron Smith, I believe, is signed through the end of 2010. I could see him staying in a reserve role or as a part-time player, ala. Travis Kirschke.

    Kirschke, by the way, is the guy I see being released to make room for Sonny Harris.

  23. Anonymous9:48 PM


    Care to give us your latest projections as to the 53 man roster?


  24. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Kirschke does have a big salary doesn't he?

    I'm scared teams will take from the PS harris and shipley, but more scared about harris. There is more depth on the oline than the dline after all. Plus I want shipley to get his chance to play, I think he definitely can, just maybe not with the steelers

    Still hoping he makes it though

  25. I look at Denver and KC and you have to think that a guy like Kirschke, even though he's old, would be worth his weight in gold to one of those teams. A starting calibre 3-4DE with several years experience on the best 3-4 D in the league? Rather than release (which I'd only do if I felt a combination of Hood and Eason could replace him, not sold on that yet) I'd be calling a few 3-4 teams and enquiring about getting a draft pick for Kirshcke?

    You'd keep Hills over Capizzi Dale? I know Hills was a draft pick but I don't get the love for Hills. I'd keep Capizzi over Hills myself, but because he was drafted and is younger Hills may be the more realistic choice.

  26. I'm kind of curious what the Steelers are thinking letiting Hampton potentially go to Free Agency next year. Obviouslt they don't think he is worth the money he would command. Hampton seems to think they won't use the franchise tag and I think thats the only way they can keep him. Who is going to play NT in 2010?

    That is a major part of the 3-4 D and I just don't see what the plan is. (Hoke for a year?) We all know if Hampton gets tagged, hes not going to camp and who knows what kind of shape he'd show up in.

    I think its a concern, though one that is a year away.

  27. The Capizzi-Hills thing is just what I'm hearing.

  28. Anonymous3:54 PM

    A. Smith is signed through 2011.
