
Monday, November 09, 2009

No surprise, Clark won't play

In a move that should surprise no one, safety Ryan Clark will not play in tonight's game at Denver against the Broncos.

Doctors cleared Clark medically to go against the Broncos, but head coach Mike Tomlin decided to err on the side of caution rather than play Clark.

Clark, of course, has a rare blood disorder that caused his blood to sickle after Pittsburgh's last game here. He had his spleen removed, which was supposed to solve the problem, but there are no guarantees it would not have happened again.

If this were a playoff game, Clark and the Steelers may have come to a different decision. But since it is not, they decided it would be best not to play.


  1. Joe Blow4:47 PM

    No surprise and a smart decision

  2. I'm glad they're keeping him out as well. This will be a good chance to see if our backups at FS have improved. I know everyone's down on Ratliff but he's learning a new system and a new position. I still have some hope that we'll see him be able to fill in at least a little bit. Where's Anthony Smith these days? Naw, never mind. ;-)

  3. Anonymous5:36 PM


    Even if it was a playoff game I don't think he should go. But something tells me Clark would play in THAT situation. hopefully denver doesn't get Homefield advantage, lol

    Anthony smith signed with JAX just last week

  4. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Mark Madden thought the Steelers would force Clark to play.

  5. Anonymous8:18 PM

    That's cause mark madden is an idiot

  6. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Damn, the defense really laid down tonight. Ty Carter just smoked a big Irish boner, didn't he?

    Just can't measure up to last season....

  7. ^^ what on earth does that mean... i've never heard of any expression anywhere close to that.

    great job filling in by Ty

  8. Once again, when did I say it? Was it today? Nope, definitely was a few weeks ago.

    Hey, you look stupid again. What do you know? If you had a log in name, you would constantly look dumb.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nice to see the running game get going. I've watched a few of the post-game reactions, and no one's gone into depth on how well santonio matched up with champ. i could be mistaken, but i think he caught every pass.

    and to Patrick,

    He didn't mention you by name. This is a football blog. If you're going to post, let it be football related and not some overly defensive 12 year old girl finger pointing match.

  11. it was obviously directed at me
