
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Roethlisberger may not play

I'll admit when I'm wrong and in this case, I was. The NFL Network's Jason La Canfora's report Friday night that Ben Roethlisberger may not play Sunday against the Ravens was correct.

Roethlisberger apparently is suffering from workout-related headaches and will serve as the No. 3 QB behind Tyler Palko, who will be added to the active roster.

Wide receiver Shaun McDonald will be released.

It's a surprising turn of events, especially considering the Steelers don't have backup Charlie Batch available.

But the Steelers will do some things that are specific to third-stringer Dennis Dixon's talents.

Against Baltimore's defense, however, that's not likely going to be a winning combination.

Because of that, I also have to change my pick in this game. Despite Baltimore's defensive injuries, the Ravens should be able to win this one, 20-10.


  1. Could be a lot worse. The Ravens scare people but let's face it, you are what your record says you are and the Ravens are 5-5 with a banged up secondary. We need a game to turn around the momentum this team has built up in the wrong direction and win or lose this game could right the ship if all the units play well.

  2. I'm told there is also still a chance he'll play.

  3. Damn, I'm gonna get whiplash from all this. Here's hoping they can turn the momentum around no matter who's taking the snaps. :-D

  4. Maybe BA will learn how to run the ball. Blessing in disguise. The defense will be dominant and turnovers will be limited.
    STEELERS 24-10

  5. The only real bright spot is that the Ravens built most of their defensive game plan around Ben starting. Not a big deal, but Dixon is a much more mobile QB out of the pocket.

    This game comes down now squarely on the shoulders of the defense and special teams. They MUST create short fields for the Steelers offense and keep the Ravens under 14 points.

    This is still a very winnable game for us, but the offensive game plan and execution must be dead, solid, perfect. Mendenhall will need a huge game as will the offensive line. Time of possession, penalties and turnovers must all be won in the stats column.

    Make no doubt, it will take a near perfect performance to win this one on the road in Baltimore. God help us!

  6. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Dixon comes out and throws for 250 yards and runs for another 90. After this win it will be like having back to back bye weeks and everyone will be healthy by the time we play the Packers.
    (Down on my knees praying) lol

  7. The Steelers have not yet announced any roster moves to this point. Their spokesman Dave Lockett said he would let me know when they do. So until they do, nothing is written in stone.

  8. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I'm not worried about Dixon, I'm more worried about that moron Arians not adjusting his already stupid gameplans

  9. I look at this game as having the possibility for a major boost to the season. Is that obvious? yeh sure.

    But the Steelers have plenty of injuries and to go into Baltimore with Dixon/Palko and win, would be HUGE.

    I joked last week about Dixon making this game entertaining, and that is true in a bad sense of humor way, but I also think him starting might start a rallying cry for everyone else on the team and pump up the D.

    The Ravens are almost certaintly going to stack the box, play the run and see if Dixon can take advantage of it. I'm looking forward to seeing the result. Especially against those corners.

  10. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Move announced!

  11. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Wait I'm sure Know it All Dale will dispite this move also.

  12. Anonymous8:15 PM

    The Steelers official site had a release that McDonald was released to make room for Palko. Like hours ago.

  13. adamg8:27 PM

    This is hardly the first time a young qb had to step into the breach. I believe BR did it when Maddox went down. Balt also made it to the AFCCG with a rookie qb.

    It will be interesting to see the offense when it's not based on BR playing street ball.

  14. Wexell said Troy would play. He isn't. You said Ben would play. He isn't. Do you guys actually have sources, or do you just take wild guesses like the rest of us?

  15. Anonymous10:15 PM

    If Ben is too concussed to start, he should also be too concussed to be the #3 QB. No? Either he can't play because he's having symptoms, or he can play. Why is this not the case, allegedly? Makes no sense. What, he's having raging headaches so he can only be third-string? Steady, mild headaches, and he's second-string? Only the occasional blurred vision, and he starts?

    Don't worry, everyone. Arians will think of something.

  16. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Who is this Wexell and why does Dan keep bringing him up?

  17. Anonymous11:48 PM

    "Why does Dan keep bringing him up?"

    Dan is the media police.

  18. Jim Wexell is Dale's Siamese twin.

    I enjoy reading both of them, but for guys who claim to have such intimate insider knowledge - and spend so much time putting down other members of the media - it hurts their credibility when they say stuff that turns out to be wrong.

    I guess I'm just disappointed when something I think is genuine "insider scoop" turns out just to be an educated guess.

    At least they're better than Madden, whose "inside info" batting average is about 1000x worse.

  19. If you put Dan and Patrick together, you get Dan Patrick. Except, I like Dan Patrick....

    The Real Mc

  20. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I'd love to find this claim of insider knowledge. I like the SCI site, and can't find any report from Wex about Troy playing. You must've asked for his opinion on the message board. You must share intimate questions with him and Dale. Way to speak out of both sides. I know they praise guys like Bouchete and Savran and rip the tools. I hope they don't stop ripping the tools. There are too many of them.

  21. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Keep up the good work, Dale. The league is serving up injury news just to give credibility to "national" reporters on their payroll. There are no "sources."

    Screw Dan and his bitterness.ust be glad that he's a paying subscriber, even if he's a backstabber.

    Goodall must've had a corollary when his new hire reported that Hampton would be cut before the opener.

  22. Anonymous11:15 AM

    While reading Gene Colliers' story on Ramon Foster, I realized that this blog is the very first place I read that Foster was their best free agent. It was the day after the draft. So suck on that Danny.

  23. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Well, if we could get back to ole Pittsburgh style football, running the damn ball with Mendenhall, (especially using him 3rd and short) Dixon should be a non-factor.... The Ravens have no scouting on Dixon per se, so that could work in our favor for a quarter or so. Flacco scares me though with Troy not in there and less blitzing as a result of it. Here hoping our special teams dont give up big gains today!!!!

    If the defense shows up and plays 4 full quarters, special teams don't give up the big gains, and we can run the ball, even with Dixon running the ball as well, I would not be surprised that Pittsburgh wins this game. Never use injuries as an excuse, great teams find ways to win....

  24. Anonymous11:49 AM

    After the loss tonight, be sure to turn on KDKA Showdown for a dose of Paul Alexander, or Dan, as he likes to call himself on message boards. Then try not to kill yourself.

  25. Roethlisberger wanted to play. He still wants to play. That's what I was basing my opinion on.
    But Roethlisberger wanted to play on his own terms. The head coach decided otherwise.
    That's all I can say about the matter.

  26. Anonymous1:02 PM

    If Ben wants to play I thought he told Tomlin he was having problems with headaches? His "terms", what's that? Makes no sense.

    Stop insinuating and speak. Or do you only do that when people pay Jim Wexell money and then he bans people from using their pay services after he gets their cash?

  27. Anonymous1:10 PM

    You have to be a real jackass to get banned by the SCI mods.

    See, no money next month.

  28. Anonymous1:10 PM

    You have to be a real jackass to get banned by the SCI mods.

    See, no money next month.

  29. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Open forum is the perfect coagulation point for jackasses. I'm happy to meet you all.

  30. Anonymous1:16 PM

    No, you get banned when you don't kiss their ass and after they take your money.

    Nothing worse in this world than a thief.

  31. Anonymous1:27 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I'm a subscriber and I wish they'd ban more idiots.

  33. adamg2:09 PM

    Also not sure what "playing on his (BR's) own terms" means, but glad the Head Coach told BR he's the one making the decisions, not the QB. Maybe it will be the start of a trend where the HC starts reining in his OC and QB.

  34. This blog has nothing to do with SCI. I have never banned anyone at SCI. I don't even know how to do it.
    And I won't tolerate cursing on this blog.

  35. Robbie4:14 PM

    I doubt the coaches will let Dixon throw the ball much, and you know the Steelers can't beat the Ravens by just running the ball.

    I wonder if the Steelers were caught totally off guard by Ben's change of heart, or if they were fully prepared for that possibility all week.

    What does Ben wanting to play on his own terms mean?

  36. Let me just say this, it wasn't Ben's change of heart

  37. Robbie5:23 PM

    What's the big secret? Do the Steelers want the Ravens to game-plan for Dixon, only for both Dixon and Palko to get "hurt" so Ben can come in as the emergency QB?

  38. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Very odd late timing on this and the Warner scratch, considering all reports during the week had them playing. Especially with the story coming from national guys in both cases. Does this have anything to do with Goodell getting pimphanded on Capitol Hill earlier? And his new suggested, although yet to be implimented, policy on players being auto-scratches the week following a concussion?

    Now the Steelers official site has a new Q&A with Tomlin that sounds like the interview was from today. And it sounds like this decision isn't a done deal.

    All of this is starting to smell fishy. Especially the reports of headaches and reservations about playing from Ben on the heels on his Thursday comments.

  39. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Dale says he knows the truth, but he's refusing to tell it to us. For what reason, only he knows.

  40. The interview on the Steelers site was from Friday.

  41. Patrick6:31 PM

    Patrick (or Capt. Obvious),

    could you pipe in with something here?


  42. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Dale can't say because he's going blow the lid off this.

  43. you're a dork with nothing to contribute

    was that self evident and obvious enough?

  44. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Patrick, Patrick, Patrick ... you're better than that.

    No cursing, either.

  45. Steelers Inactives
    S Troy Polamalu
    DE Ra'Shon Harris
    T Tony Hills
    G Chris Kemoeatu
    DE Nick Eason
    CB Keenan Lewis
    QB Charlie Batch
    QB Ben Roethlisberger (3rd)

    Ravens Inactives
    LB Terrell Suggs
    QB John Beck (3rd)
    G Tony Moll
    T Oniel Cousins
    NT Kelly Talavou
    CB Cary Williams
    RB Charles Ali
    LB Antwan Barnes

  46. I didn't curse, and he started it. Wah wah wah.

    Really I was just being a smart arse (no cursing) to his smart arse post. Its all good.

  47. Anonymous2:00 AM

    My mom would never let me say dork.

    But it is all good.
