
Saturday, January 09, 2010

Some keen insight on the Steelers

If you've never checked it out before, now former Steelers offensive line coach Larry Zierlein's son, Lance, has a great pro football blog on the Houston Chronicle web site.

This week he has some great stuff on the Steelers, including talking about his dad's firing.

I'm sure you'll enjoy it:


  1. Anonymous2:34 AM

    That blog post was spot on and i don't think there's a single thing I would disagree with. On top of that the guy was very classy about his father being fired. Great link Dale and please pass them on in the future (as long as they are well thought out like this one).

  2. I agree. Intelligent and classy.

    I don't know how much more Zierlein could have got out of this line. Our guards in particular looked lost most of the time. Was it him? Them? Kemoeatu always seems to get a hat on a guy but sometimes it looks like he's got someone else's block and then they wind up looking around like they missed the read when it was him. It's clear we need an upgrade at center; Hartwig has done a fine job filling in post-Mahan but we need a Jeff Faine type guy in there if we're going to go from below-average to above.

    I also would love to see Willie Colon move inside but I have to admit he looked a lot better out there this year. Penalties are par for the course for an NFL tackle. I can live it with a few of those if he keeps getting the push he got last season.

    What will become of Kraig Urbik? We didn't see him play to get any kind of read on him but has there been any inkling from the coaching staff or the practice field? If he develops and we can slot someone in for a year of development behind Hartwig we might be in better shape than anyone anticipates.

  3. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Good website and blog, and I think Zierlein has reiterated what alot of Steeler fans have felt all this year!! It all starts with a hard-hitting, gang-tackling, shutdown D, and a running game in the top 10 of the NFL that knows how to put a game away with a lead.

    This year, this team was built more on a no huddle, 2 minute offense STYLE around BR, but they didnt utilize it throughout the game to throw opposing Ds off balance at all. I still dont understand half the play calls this year, and I probably never will, that call against KC near the end of the game comes to mind here. They did prove this team has some serious weapons passing the ball, and can be very exciting at times, but the smart money says you must be able to run the ball as well. Now with that being said, this team showed it has some big holes to fix with throwing the ball 40+ times a game.

    I believe Tomlin had better get his ducks (coaches) in a row, get back to traditional hard-hitting, run it down your throat Steelers football, while utilizing the pass to open up and go down field. I also believe this offseason should show a sense of urgency in the draft, and in the play calling preparation if the Steelers are to make it back to the playoffs next year.

    Would you rather see Steeler football throw the ball 40+ times a game and POSSIBLY win, or get back to the old style Steeler football, where the track record speaks for itself.

    I for one would rather see old style, great football from the Steelers, even if that means a 1-15 season.....

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    "I for one would rather see old style, great football from the Steelers, even if that means a 1-15 season....."

    You have a good idea, but what you said here is completely wrong

    BALANCE is what they need. They CAN run the ball, the CAN pass the ball. How many times in steelers history have they been able to do both? In the playoffs during those 4 super bowls

    Running it down your throat "old style steelers football" can win games, but not playoff games/super bowls

    The steelers have the pieces in place to be a very good balanced offense. The defense is great, just get a little tweak here and there, add some young depth and this team can win a super bowl easily with big ben at helm

  5. Anonymous1:53 PM

    True enough, but I am saying old style Steeler football that won 4 super bowls in the 70s, old style football in the early 90s, old style football that went 15-1 in 2004 with a rookie QB who was a deer looking into headlights, won it all in 2005 with a nervous QB, last years team that could beat you with a smothering D.

    Those teams did have BALANCE. Balance on D of course, but BALANCE on offense as well, with the edge to rushing. For instance, in 2005 the Steelers were 8th or 9th in rushing, and 24th in passing, but yet put a dagger in Indy in the playoffs with passing at the start of the game.... this year it was just the opposite 9th in passing and 19th in rushing!! Pitt is better when rushing is in the TOP 10!!!

    Now, BR is one of the best and exciting QBs in the NFL, so let him throw more, make plays, with out a doubt, but run the ball as well.
    (Wathcing the hated Ravens right now they are handing it to the Pats, and they are running the ball!!!!! I hate both teams with a passion!)

    The kind of football game that left you black and blue as a fan, just like the team did on the field. When tackling, you would see 5-7 black jerseys on the pile, I really didnt see alot of that this year.

    This year the team could pass, and after inserting Rashard, found a run game again, but they couldnt put the games away when having leads like Cowher did when going something like 100-1. That is old style Steeler ball IMHO.

  6. CoreyGarry3:26 PM

    now that i wrap my mind around it more and more, colone would be a really good guard. what's your opinion dale?

  7. No, the answer is the lock-kicking kicka. Goodbye, shawty, to Jeff Reed.

  8. thanks for imitating me. your a joke

    and did you happen to notice what Buehler for the Cowboys did last night?

  9. Anonymous4:14 PM

    can't disagree with alot that he said, but would never characterize his comments as "keen insights".

    Any steeler fan, including my 10 year old could make some of those observations

  10. You know, I'll never understand the need for some people to snipe at even the smallest of things. I think it's the product of a small mind. There's my keen insight for today, 4:14.

  11. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I agree with Patrick on this one.

  12. Anonymous6:20 PM

    My keen insight is that Dale's blog is great.

  13. Anonymous10:53 PM

    If they want their cake and eat it too on offense I feel that having both Moore and Mendenhall on the field at the same time would alleviate alot of headaches.
    First and foremost is in running game. Giving it to either or with draws and traps will make the opposing defenses have to flat foot in order to verify which way the play is really going, and everyone can agree a flat footed defense is the start of the play action pass. Lets just say for example that we are in our two back set With Sanatonio and Wallace on the field. Heath is in at tight end and Mendenhall and Moore are on the field. After a play action pass you have FIVE recievers to choose from. Against the staandard 4-3 defense this is a defensive coordinators worst nightmare.

  14. They're not going to take Ward off the field.
