
Monday, September 06, 2010

Tomlin picks Dixon

That Mike Tomlin, he's a tricky sort.

Tomlin on Monday announced Dennis Dixon would be the team's starting QB this week against the Atlanta Falcons, choosing the third-year pro over Charlie Batch.

Tomlin said, “Dennis has had a very productive preseason and training camp. He went into the training camp as a young guy, second in the pecking order behind Byron Leftwich. He did a nice job and made it extremely competitive. He waged a battle and got some first-team reps in some preseason games. Largely, we’ve been very impressed with how he’s handled himself in game situations."

That said, it could end up being a one-week starting spot if Dixon doesn't perform well. Leftwich was a surprise participant in practice Monday. He's not ready to play after suffering an MCL injury last Thursday against Carolina, but he might be good to go in two weeks at Tennessee.


  1. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I think this is a good pick. Dixon gives this BR-less team a better chance to win I think with Batch so fragile. He played very well last year AT the Ravens if I remember correctly.

    As far as the preseason went, I think he was trying to do too much to prove he should get more reps or whatever.

    A full week of practice with his wide receivers he will be throwing to will help, instead of the 2nd stringer. Give him a chance, Batch will be ready to go if he falters.

  2. adamg6:40 PM

    Not surprised to hear Lefty was at practice.
    No matter what one thinks of him as a qb, there's no denying he's as tough a football player as there is.

    I also agree Dixon was the right choice. I guess the lesson for anyone who really thought Batch would start, is to watch what coaches do, not what they say.

  3. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Although neither is a wonderful option, I preferred Batch for boring conservative reasons. Regardless, at least Tomlin didn't pull a Mangini and not announce a starter.

    I think too much is made of Dixon's performance at Baltimore last year. He had a good first half and a horrendous second half once the Ravens slightly adjusted. (His TD run was a perfect play call.) The Ravens could/should have had two pick-sixes well before the OT interception Dixon threw.

    One or two 30-yard scrambles don't make up for his apparent weaknesses.

    I realize there's not that much to go on, and Batch isn't so great either, still, that's my gut feel on this.

    Go Dixon, and go Defense.

  4. Anonymous9:19 PM

    If the defense plays well (they will) Dixon will play a conservative game handing off, play action run and an occaisional short range pass. It won't be pretty but it will get us to 2-2, or at least 1-3. Anyone hoping for much more is dreaming.

  5. I see them going 1-1 in the Atl and Tenn games. Win against Tampa and a lose against Baltimore.


    And I doubt that record would be much different with Ben in the lineup.

  6. Mike did say that one of the reasons they didn't feel comfortable from the start going with Batch was because of his injuru history. If it scared them in March, it certainly does in Sept. as well.

    By the way, three rookies changed their numbers. Crezdon Butler will wear No. 28, Jonathan Dwyer will wear No. 27 and Stevenson Sylvester will wear No. 55

  7. Charlie Batch should be happy he's now the most popular man in Pgh, as the back up QB always is.

  8. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I wouldn't want Leftwich against tennesse. They have a pretty good pass rush, and they added derrick morgan. At least dixon can run, leftwich would get killed against them, and he would be coming from an injury already

    Against tampa, sure. Let leftwich have his revenge. IF Dixon falters that is

  9. Anonymous3:26 PM

    i think dixon is the right call if he is used properly. having him sit back and be a pocket passer won't cut it. he'll make some mistakes and a good defense will read his eyes. they need to move him around, cut the field in half and give him options to bale on the pass and run. just my opinion.
