
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tomlin's thoughts on rookies haven't changed

Mike Tomlin may be starting a rookie today for the first time, but his overall thoughts on first-year players in games hasn't changed.

Inactive against the Falcons are Jonathan Dwyer, Crezdon Butler, Antonio Brown and Thaddeus Gibson, all members of this year's draft class. Also inactive are Byron Leftwich, Tony Hils and Ramon Foster.

From the looks of warmups, it appears that Antwaan Randle El will handle punt returns and Emmanuel Sanders will take care of kick returns.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Don't understand both Lewis and Butler being inactive. Does this mean Madison will actually see the field on defense? He may be short and slow, but at least he understands LeBeau's scheme!

  2. Gay is the third corner. If push came to shove, they could move Polamalu to corner as well.

  3. That does mean though, Worlids, Sanders and Pouncey are all dressing though. So it's not like none of the rookies are dressing.

  4. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Gay drops an easy INT. He sucks

  5. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Worilds surprised me today. He did his job, which is special teams. And did it damn well

    great game today

  6. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I'll tell you what! Did you see Bryant McFadden? The guy played his heart out and did everything he could to keep the Steelers in the game. He's my unsung hero of the game. I also give honorable mention to the O-Line who did pretty darn good considering the Falcons knew what was coming and still didn't stop it completely.

  7. Pouncey, Sanders, Worilds, and Sly Sylvester all got hats today, so that's not bad for the rookies. The Steelers beat a good Falcons team today with their 3rd string QB, and minus their starting NT & starting LT for about half the game. That interception by Troy P. was incredible!!!! Nice to see the running game look physical again. Another good sight is the D appears to be back. A good, gritty win. As Tomlin would say, "Style points aside, I'll take the W."

  8. Dale, do you think Tony Hills will start next week? Also, do you think the Steelers could add a D-lineman off the practice squad or do you think they will go down to Tennessee with 5 DL? I think they will go with 5 and probably have T. Gibson active next week (if you don't have an extra DL, then have the next best thing active, someone who can rush the passer at the 3-4 OLB position and play special teams).

  9. William8:42 PM

    datruth4life, those are excellent questions and ones I was thinking of too. I wonder if they might move Flozell to left tackle and put Scott or possibly Hills in at right tackle.

    If they go with just 5 guys for the DL next week, I'm wondering if Hood may rotate in at NT to give Hoke a breather as well as rotating in at DE as he normally does. IIRC, I think Hood was getting some time at NT in OTA's and possibly in training camp as well.

    The secondary was one big thing I noticed today. It's just one game, but the secondary looks much improved.

  10. how smooth did Tomlin look calling that TO to ice the kicker?

  11. Dale, the more I think about it, I'd go with T. Hills at LT next week, keep J. Scott as the swing tackle and keep Flozell at RT. That injury to Starks looked like a high ankle sprain to me, so we probably won't have him back until after the bye (at least 5 weeks from now). Hills can earn some money if he plays well. I think the team might get away with 5 DL against the Titans, but it is hard to predict how long Snack will be out. I would hate to release anyone of our young players right now to add another DL because they're not going to make it to the practice squad.

  12. Anonymous6:38 PM

    My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw Randle El returning punts, after watching him with the 'Skins the last 4 years I knew what to expect..... nothing!! As a receiver he doest give you much as return man I would say the only thing he gives you is a sure fair catch. Not understanding this decision at all. Did he return 1 punt during preseason?
