
Monday, January 31, 2011

Greetings from Texas

Made it in to Fort Worth this morning with the Steelers.

The offensive linemen and line coaches all wore Flozell Adams Michigan State uniforms. Big Flo even had one on that they gave him.

They thought about getting Adams' Cowboys jersey but they didn't want to wear those to Dallas and went for the Michigan State uni instead, placing a special order for them after it was learned Nike couldn't get them that many in the sizes they needed.

Hines Ward wore a black cowboy hat and boots with mock spurs on them. It looked like he was channeling his inner Mel Blount. I've never seen Blount without his cowboy hat when he comes around.

We landed at 12:30 local time and after the long trip to the hotel, we had to immediately get over to the team hotel for a media event.

Mike Tomlin wouldn't rule out Maurkice Pouncey for the Super Bowl, despite reports to the contrary.

In fact, Tomlin said the broken bone in Pouncey's ankle isn't the issue, characterizing it as a floating body.

He's more concerned with the high ankle sprain, but said Wednesday will likely be the day he makes any decisions about the Pro Bowl center.

© The other big topic here was Peter King's quote in his Monday Morning Quarterback from commissioner Roger Goodell about Ben Roethlisberger.

Goodell said he spoke to around two dozen Steelers about Roethlisberger this summer, but none of them would defend the QB.

Of course, Goodell said it was mostly due to things such as Roethlisberger not signing jerseys for them or things like that.

Defensive end Brett Keisel, one of Roethlisberger's best friends on the team, said he was asked about Roethlisberger by the commissioner and really didn't know what to say about the line of questioning.

For his part, Roethlisberger was caught off guard by the whole thing, expressing some shock about the questions from reporters about the report following his media session.

The Steelers were pretty much caught off guard by the whole thing and one does have to question the timing of it.


  1. Anonymous5:44 PM

    The Steelers should know that outside of the Nation, everyone else wants them to lose. If they were caught off-guard by this garbage then folly on them, and hopefully this is the slap in the face they need to hunker down for the rest of the week.

  2. Anonymous6:09 PM

    it's just irrelevant TMZ-style traffic mongering by King. shallow, fairly worthless reporting but will drive up site hits/sales nonetheless.

  3. Anonymous6:18 PM

    It seems like Goodell gave King that quote a while back and King saved it for now? Is this right, Dale?

  4. KDKA said tonight that it was Kings idea to put the report out now. They reported that the interview happened more than a month ago.

    Goodell should have never made the comments and now he is shocked and mad they came out now....really?

    Both King and Goodell are throwing out low balls imo.

  5. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Dale, do you still think that Goodell doesn't have a vendetta against the Steelers?

  6. As stated by a previous poster, Goodell's statement was made over a month ago. King saved it for this week when it would get the most impact. That's hardly on Goodell, who was simply making a statement.

  7. Anonymous7:26 PM

    What is it with SMEAR campaigns nowadays, and writers with NO CLASS!! ESPN seems to be the worst of reporting scumbags!! I had to put up with it being an Auburn grad all year, but we got our just desert out in the desert, and now this article comes out the week of the Super Bowl, like it couldnt wait until after the football season?? Come on.... No offense Dale, but the media and alot of reporters SUCK!!

  8. don't you think a convo between steelers players and Goddell in this context should have been kept in confidence?

    He didn't say names and regardless of the timing of it - why say this stuff to Peter King (of all people)

  9. Anonymous7:46 PM

    King predicted since before the season the steelers would reach the superbowl, he saved that quote and the steelers did reach the superbowl and now he releases the quote

    pretty smart by him to be honest

  10. Lost in all of this is the fact that Ben was pretty much a turd. He didn't interact with his teammates a lot.

  11. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Troy Polamalu wins defensive player of the year!!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous9:43 PM

    i'll bet any players speaking with goodell did so on the condition of anonymity and goodell went ahead and told king some of what they said. no, he did not give names, but that's beside the point. fact is, goodell gave out information that was most likely considered privileged by the players. the only reason to do that is if you have something against someone.

  13. Anonymous10:28 PM

    If the Goodell quote is a month old, then do you think Peter King has an agenda against the Steelers?

  14. Anonymous10:36 PM

    i think king waited for a good time to get as much attention possible. typical.

    i think goodell had no right passing information on to the media regarding interviews that i would have considered confidential if i were a player.

  15. at worst, this story lingers for a day but runs its course by Wednesday.

    at best, it pisses off Ben and Co. and feeds that "us against the world" mentality that has served the Steelers so well in the past.

    i'm just glad it came out today and not Wednesday or Thursday.

    i also guarantee you that King will not show his face in Latrobe this summer. as someone else said, this type of "reporting" wreaks of TMZ.

  16. 1. King picked the Steelers to go to the SuperBowl so it's doubtful he has an agenda against them.

    2. King issued an apology for incorrectly stating that it was Steelers players that made the comments. Goodell was actually referring to NFL players, not Steeler players which isn't to say that some of them might have been Steelers.

    3. I saw a pic of the Cowboys stadium. It's adorned with giant photos of the Steelers and Packers logos as well as gigantic pictures of players... God it feels so good to know those America's Team wannabes are sitting at home while to classy organizations are playing for all the marbles.

    4. If anyone ever deserved a miracle healing its Maurkice Pouncey. He played his ass off all season and deserves a shot at playing.

  17. Anonymous6:12 AM

    If anyone had any doubts about Goodell being an a$$hole. This should remove those doubts.

  18. Anonymous7:13 AM

    King has issued a clarification:

  19. That's great. King really screwed the pooch on that one.

  20. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Isn't King the only reporter to be allowed watch the Steeler's practice this week? I wonder how he will be treated.

    chas steel

  21. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I'n inside the "Steeler Nation" and I want them to lose, also.

  22. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Why would goodell call in players to ask about BR? If they were not in the bar that night it should not matter what they think of him becouse last time I checked it is not illegal to be an A-hole.
    And, just becouse someone is an A-hole that does not make them a rapist. Sounds to me like goodell went fishing for dirt, add that to the way Jame Harrison was singled out this year & no one was really fined for cheap hits on BR... that says all we need to know about goodell.

  23. It's the reporters who insist that every player be a jolly, good natured man amongst men.."hail fellow well met" It makes their job easier which is understandable.

    As a fan, I could care less if the lockerrom has a collegiate atmosphere, a corporate boardroom feel or if the murderous politics of the Roman Senate prevails. All I care about is the result on the field. The Oakland A's won. And had one of the most divided lockerooms in history. And Reggie Jackson was NOT a nice man. Big deal.

  24. Vaflyer5:00 PM

    He wouldn't sign my jersey...waaa. Ben is so mean, he wouldn't sign a jersey...he's a jerk!

    That isn't petty at all is it?

  25. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Not for nothin', but Peter King change his SB pick to the Patriots months ago.

  26. I like this blog.. god luck!!
