
Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 2 Power rankings

1. Green Bay - Nice performance against a good New Orleans team.

2. New England – The Patriots looked strong on opening weekend

3. Baltimore – Impressive win by the Ravens over their biggest rival.

4. N.Y. Jets – Needed Tony Romo to be Tony Romo to win against Dallas. Luckily for them, Romo came through.

5. Philadelphia – Vick's numbers weren't great, but they were effective.

6. New Orleans – I'll give the Saints a mulligan for losing at Green Bay on opening night.

7. Steelers - Will right the ship after sleepwalking at Baltimore.

8. Houston - Looking at a possible letdown game this week at Miami after demolishing the Peyton Manning-less Colts.

9. San Diego – I had them high last week, but even though they won, they looked bad at home against a pretty mediocre Minnesota squad.

10. Detroit – Yes, I actually believe in the Lions - as long as Matthew Stafford can stay healthy.

Dropped out: Atlanta

Bottom 10

23. Kansas City – Got a feeling that wasn't an anomaly last week against the BillsI

24. Indianapolis – Could be a lot lower than this by the time Peyton Manning is ready to return.

25. Cincinnati – Caught the Browns sleeping to pull out a win. Still not very good.

26. Jacksonville – Curious move cutting David Garrard.

27. Minnesota – Donovan McNabb looks like and old, old man.

28. Denver – Lost at home to Oakland and looked bad doing it.

29. Seattle – Truly awful performance at San Francisco

30. Tennessee – Has to get Chris Johnson going.

31. Cleveland – The Browns are improving, but still have a way to go.

32. Carolina – Nice start by Cam Newton, but he won't be taking anyone by surprise now that he's starting to build some game tape.


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Steelers best game was against the Jets in the 1st half of the playoffs last season, and they have been sleepwalking ever since!!! So, I am starting to think it is more than just one game.... lets hope I am wrong

  2. Wow. They lost to the Packers by less than a touchdown in the Super Bowl nine months ago. Now they lose their opener, and the sky is falling.

  3. Yep, typical chicken little reactions.

    ppl act like we lost the SB to The Seahawks, and just got blown out by The Stains in the opener.

  4. Dale, was B-Mac's hammy already injured when he came to camp? With him now questionable for Sunday, I'm just wondering if the best move wouldn't have been to put on the PUP from the start and allow his leg to completely heal.

  5. adamg7:04 AM

    Thanks, Dale. A bad hamstring is a tough injury for a CB to try and play through.

  6. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Dale, do you have any news regarding what happened to Dorin Dickerson a few days ago? Did he really sign and then quit?

  7. Anonymous11:27 AM

    The sky is falling, really? All I am saying is that the Steelers have had 12 turnover in the last 3 games, (Jets, Packers, Ravens) that shouldnt concern anybody.... my bad!!!

  8. Two of the last 3 games were 9 months ago. It is ridiculous to try to make something dire out of that.

  9. Anonymous1:21 PM

    What happened with dorin Dickerson?

  10. Dale whats up with the predictions this year? I tried to look on the OR site just now and didn't see anything. Am I missing it? And are you not doing predictions on this blog anymore?

    For the record, I'll go Steelers 24-10 tomorrow. I'm actually hoping the Steelers just play it safe, run the ball, control the clock and limit mistakes. No need for a hurry up or Ben to start winging it and risking picks, sacks, fumbles, etc. In my opinion, the only way they lose this game is if they beat themselves

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Fake Patrick, you really are an idiot. Dale's predictions are published in the Sunday edition. Today is Saturday. If you're not sure, here is a link to last Sunday's prediction piece.


    You miss the easy to verify things like this, and then you expect anyone to take your hogwash football opinions seriously?

  13. You're kidding right?

    He used to post them on Friday or Saturday on here. If hes doing Sunday predictions in OR now, fine, but most predictions come a day or so before the game on most sites or blogs.

  14. Considering seven of those 12 turnovers came in one game, no, it should not.

    And, as was stated, two of those games were last season. Different year.

  15. grater10:23 AM

    Steelers have 9 games against your bottom 10. Plus they still have SF and AZ who do not look that good. Could not have much easier of a schedule.
