
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kirby Wilson's family releases statement

The family of Steelers running back coach Kirby Wilson released this statement today:

“Mr. Kirby Wilson remains in critical condition in the Trauma Burn Center at UPMC Mercy in Pittsburgh. In addition to burns sustained over 45 percent of his body, he has suffered a smoke inhalation injury and will require multiple operative procedures in the future.”

Wilson was burned in a fire in his home two weeks ago.


  1. This will be a long process, but hopefull Coach Wilson will recover.

    Condolences also to Mike Tomlin on the loss of his dad, Ed Tomlin.

  2. Wilson sounds like hes in worse shape than initially reported. Wish him well in his recovery.

    A shame about Tomlin's dad too - he sounded relatively young and healthy.

    Rough stretch for the team lately. Hope that ends the bad news.
