
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Steelers hire Haley

The Steelers officially hired Todd Haley as their offensive coordinator Tuesday, ending a nearly two-week search for the replacement for Bruce Arians.

The Steelers grew weary of Arians' buddy-buddy relationship with quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and were looking for a new coordinator who will bring a more balanced offensive attack.

Haley, who most recently served as head coach in Kansas City, should do that.

© Steelers tight end Weslye Saunders has been suspended for four games by the NFL for violating the league's policy on performance enhancing drugs.

Now word yet on what Saunders tested positive for, but it could be any number of things – some of which are available in over-the-counter medications.

© My heart goes out to the family of Tunch Ilkin regarding the death of his lovely wife Sharon.

Sharon Ilkin, like Tunch, was a graduate of Indiana State University, where she was a cheerleader.

She once appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated with fellow Indiana State product Larry Bird.


  1. I remember when some little Romanian gymnast had to give back her gold medal because she was crazy sick and took a Sudafed. Something tells me this punishment won't prove to be quite as large an overreaction.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    He was probably hanging out with Santonio.

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    do you think the steelers will dump him if it is a legit PED?

    also, to receive the 4 game suspension, doesn't that mean he has already been caught once?

  4. Anonymous8:58 PM

    How do we send condolences to Tunch Ilkin?

  5. Dale, this is off topic, but could you tell us what is the word with the Official MB forums? They were never that well maintained, but it was still home. Any plans to rebuild, or did they just decide enough was enough?

  6. What official MBs you talking about Hack?

    As for getting condolances to Tunch, I'm sure if you sent them to the Steelers offices, he would get them.

  7. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I love it. He should get a nameplate for his desk that reads TODD F****** HALEY, O.C.

  8. The Message Board Forums on They always had problems from time to time, but always came back....this seems to be different.

  9. Anonymous3:37 AM

    The Steelers Message Board is still there; it's just only available on the secondary server. The primary had its permissions set so no one can view it.


    Primary (broken):

    You have to think they're in the process of phasing it out.

  10. All this hire means is that we now know who 75% of Pittsburgh will bitch about for the next few years. On the bright side, at least Cam Cameron is still the Ravens' OC and we didn't have to worry much that he'd be the one to take Arians' place.

  11. Looks like I might have been wrong about Saunders, if all he was taking was ADD medicine. I didn't think the NFL would suspend someone 4 games for not disclosing a legit med, even if it's no the no-no list. Guess I was wrong.


    It's dead. No one knows why, or who was even running it. It sure as hell wasn't the Steelers. Probably some random guy in his mom's basement like the rest of us.

    Before it died for good, someone started a new one, and everyone migrated.

    Most of the same crew is there. It's almost the same, just way, way better. It has actual features. It has very good mods who participate and respond... I just looked it up and I see you're already signed up but have 0 posts. The old one is gone, and you can keep checking for it if you want, but it's likely gone forever. In the meantime, this one is the same except way better. We could use you over there; cajunyankee is driving us crazy.

  12. Anonymous6:14 PM

    anyone know why when you try to get too i cannot find it any where. any help appreciated thanks in advance
