
Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Who I like, Tennessee version

What a busy week it's been, what with a game on Sunday and having to travel on Wednesday.

It really doesn't offer time for a whole lot of analysis, but here's what we know.

Troy Polamalu and LaMarr Woodley won't play Thursday night for the Steelers.

Woodley should be back when the Steelers travel to Cincinnati Oct. 21, while Polamalu could be back for that game - though the following week against Washington is more likely.

It says here that it won't matter against the Titans.

Tennessee's biggest issue has been scoring. The Titans allow way too many points and score way too few.

Tennessee is averaging 17.6 points per game and allowing 36.2. You don't often see a 20-point disparity like that in the NFL, which shows just how bad the Titans have been playing.

Yes, the Steelers have had some issues on the road this season as well, giving up 65 points in two road games - both losses - but that shouldn't matter here.

The addition of running game should help.

Part of Pittsburgh issue in its two road losses has been stopping opponents in the second half. The Steelers have given up eight scores in nine second half possessions.

A running game would really help limit some of those second half touches for opposing teams, and Rashard Mendenhall showed Sunday against Philadelphia that he can be a game-changer in that respect.

I think the Steelers build a nice early lead in this one and actually get some stops in the second half.

Take Pittsburgh to win, 31-13

@ On the subject of Polamalu, it's ridiculous that some are ready to jettison one of the team's greatest players.

"He's too injury-prone, blah, blah, blah," the critics say.

I pretty much tune them out when they start that garbage.

Last I checked, Polamalu played all 16 games in 2011. He played 14 games in 2010, when he won the NFL Defensive Player of the Year award.

Yes, he missed 11 games in 2009, but really, that was the exception, not the norm.

This is a player who is as special as any man who has ever put on a uniform, not just for the Steelers, but for any team.

He'll go out on his own terms. And he will be back this season and will again be a difference maker.

In fact, many of the same bozos saying this is the end for Polamalu were probably the same people saying the Steelers should release Mendenhall.

Polamalu's all-out style of play is going to lead to an injury here or there. But he's still one of the biggest difference makers in the league.


  1. ibygeorge8:09 AM

    Agreed on Polamalu and Mendenhall. But I was surprised by Mendenhall's gameback performance. I was also surprised at how or when Polamalu became aware of his injury.
    Mendenhall is our best back and Polamalu has many games left to change.
    This game is a must win, for identity purposes.

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Jettison Polamalu? No. Crazy talk. Get a better backup for those inevitable injuries, and what seems to be a yearly trip to the altitude in Denver? Yeah...about that Mundy...

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    just win this game and get out of town without any significant injuries...please.

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    C'mon now. We ALL know this D is not set up to keep teams out of the endzone with leads late. Don't give up big plays, but give up all the yards the O can muster. This will be a nail biter just like every single other Steelers game. Just hope the B&G comes out on top. SHort week and away does not help regardless of how awful the titans are. The prediciton here is much too bold. 14-18 pts per side is more like it.

  5. Anonymous2:09 PM


    the big comparison to Polamalu is Bob Sanders. Sanders all-out played his way out of the NFL.

    However, Sanders was trying to emulate Polamalu, where as Troy has more control when he's out of control..

    AKA Troy is a god, where as Bob Sanders is only mortal.

  6. Lance2:12 PM

    I agree with everything you said Dale. Troy is Troy, still one of the best if not the best at what he does, and he has plenty in the tank. Mendy really showed a lot, hopefully he stays healthy.

    Health is the name of the game, if we are healthy at the end of the season, we will be there for another run. This team had a lot of change and are still working through some things, but I am very happy with where we are. I can not say enough about Ben, he is coming into his own in more ways than one, his maturity is showing and he has many years left (he is now entereing his prime). With the way he is playing, once he gets the new O down, look out, we are going to be there every year for a while.

  7. Dale,

    Thanks for the update on Polamalu. I remember the way people (including one writer I greatly respect) began beating the drum for Jerome Bettis' his retirement as early as 2001.

    I seem to remember the same writer pooh pawing Bettis roster spot in 2004 as an act of charity on the part of the team.

    Bettis of course came just a hair short of 1000 yards that year and scored like a 12 touchdowns. (In the Steelers Digest, Bob Labriola playfully poked fun at the said writer when the year was up.)

    Its refreshing to read some level headed commentary. Thanks again.

  8. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Any chance Golden sees the field?


  9. Maybe its just wishful thinking, but I don't see the Steelers playing down to this team and making this close. Tomlin is the undisputed ugly win (and ugly loss) king, but I just can't see how this gets ugly. I like the Steelers getting up by 14 at the end of the half and never looking back.

    I can hope....

    27-10 Steelers

  10. Golden will be active and play teams. Will Allen will rotate with Mundy

  11. Anonymous3:09 PM

    So that's how to go about tuning out the strawman.

  12. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Mundy gets his big hits because he shows up late on every play.
