
Friday, October 26, 2012

Who I like, Washington version

This is a game the Steelers have to have for a number of reasons.

First, this team needs to prove to itself it can win two games in a row. The Steelers haven't done that yet and need that for some peace of mind.

Second, with a game at New York against the Giants next week, a loss here would be trouble.

Third, given the team's early road struggles, the Steelers have to go 7-1 or 8-0 at home if they hope to get to 10 or 11 wins.

I think they'll take care of business.

While Washington's defense has been opportunistic, picking off 10 passes, it's not very good in the secondary.

Ben Roethlisberger and company should have a field day there.

And the Steelers, who have given up 104 points in their past 10 home games, will come up with enough defense to slow Robert Griffin III and company enough to force them into a pure passing mode late in the game.

Also not to be discounted: Washington has already changed kickers once this season, going to Kai Forbath. Forbath has made all four of his field goal attempts this season, but this is about the time of year when Heinz Field starts to get a little tricky.

For an inexperienced kicker, it can be tough.

With the Steelers getting Maurkice Pouncey and Isaac Redman back this week - though Jonathan Dwyer will get the start at running back - Pittsburgh is inching closer to full strength.

Take the Steelers, 31-17


  1. One big if--the defense can solve RG early. If not it could get out of hand.

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I know Vick and RGIII are different players but there are alot of similarities. We managed to beat the Eagles, who are more talented than the Redskins. I don't see why we can't beat the Redskins too.

    If Ben turns the ball over twice and the wr's combine to drop 4-5 passes again then all bets are off.

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    the redskins are 5th in the NFL in yards/game and pts/game. if the defense struggles to contain RG, then yes, it could get out of hand.

    this is a tough game to call with RG being a rookie. if the steelers confuse him, the redskins will struggle mightily. considering the weather, it will probably be low scoring. i would take the steelers by 4.

  4. How exactly is the Washington defense going to stop the Steelers to allow it to get out of hand.

    The only way this game "gets out of hand" is in favor of Pittsburgh.

    The Steelers defense at home is a very different animal than on the road. They've given up 104 points at home in their past 10 games.

  5. ibygeorge6:24 PM

    The only way it gets out if hand is if Pgh. drops many passes and the offense goes over 100 yards in penalties.

  6. call it a hunch but I like the Steelers to blow this team out.

    They hang around in games but besides RG they don't really have playmakers. I've also never have been too impressed with Shanahan.

    I'd like to see big games from Hood and Timmons. Morris has had some nice games so that is a threat and Timmons needs to be shadowing RG and getting in his face. I think I would do a somersault at the bar if Timmons knocked him out of the game.

    I like the Steelers 30-17.

  7. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Hood isn't capable of a big game.
