
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday with Tomlin

The Steelers will use Jonathan Dwyer as their feature back moving forward after Mike Tomlin made some adjustments in the team's depth chart.

Tomlin said he arrived at the decision because Dwyer has been the team's most effective running back.

Currently, the depth chart lists Dwyer first, Redman second, Mendenhall third.

The Steelers also now list the starting WR spot opposite Antonio Brown as Emmanuel Sanders/Mike Wallace.

Tomlin said situation will dictate that.

Not coincidentally, both Rashard Mendenhall and Mike Wallace will be unrestricted free agents at the end of this season.

@ Tomlin said both Ben Roethlisberger and Byron Leftwich threw on Monday.

At this point, he is leaving the "door open" to the possibility of Roethlisberger playing on Sunday, but currently, Charlie Batch is still the starter this week heading to Baltimore.

@ Antonio Brown and Troy Polamalu are both expected to practice Wednesday and should play Sunday in Baltimore.

@ At this point, Kelvin Beachum will play RT this week, though Tomlin left the option of moving Ramon Foster to RT and inserting David DeCastro at RG.


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Ramon has played well at RG, but I think he would do an ok job at RT- At least better than a 7th round undersized rookie who couldn't cut it against other 3rd stringers

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Hold on a sec Anon, Beachum actually played pretty good despite the penalty called against him. With that said, if healthy, Decastro at RG and Foster at RT would be the ideal lineup. The question is which of the two would do better against Paul Kruger, He murdered Mike Adams.

  3. Anonymous1:35 PM

    any insight as to how the players are handling the changes to the depth chart?

    did ziggy get dropped too (please)?

    beachum did ok, but he won't hold up against the ravens.

    what is colon's deal? how did he get hurt and what is the timeline?

  4. with another makeshift line due to injuries, i am hoping ben is not cleared to play. will need him to play the rest of the season

    wallace and mendy demoted, but no demotion for hampton and hood ??

  5. What is McClendon's contract situation? Right now it seems as if he's in the final year of his contract and we're trying to stash him away so he won't be snatched up by another team.

  6. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Colon got hurt when pulling and Suggs dove into his knees

    it was obvious

  7. James3:42 PM

    Mark, I was thinking the exact same thing about McLendon. But more so that the Steelers just don't have to pay him nearly as much money.

  8. Anonymous4:37 PM

    i remember him getting hurt against the ravens, but i thought they said he was fine to play during the week.

  9. Beachum played well Sunday against Sheard, who is a top-notch pass rusher.

    Colon had a deep thigh bruise that happened against the Ravens and got worse as the week wore on. Should be OK this week.

    1. Anonymous1:13 AM

      Good stuff dale, love your face

  10. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Yeah awesome face Dale.

  11. Steelerfreak766:30 AM

    If Beachum plays, I hope BB doesn't. Tomlin is likely to charged with attempted manslaughter if he does! Steelers vs ravens is no place for a rookie RT.

  12. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I'm just glad Tomlin didn't say the Steelers were about to "unleash hell" in December.

  13. adamg9:55 AM

    I thought Beacham played well in Clev. The holding call on him that wiped out a first down was pretty weak. Assuming he's on the team next year, Foster will likely be the swing OL on game days able to fill in at any position if needed, so not a big deal if he's bumped out to his college position of OT.

  14. Foster is unrestricted at the end of the year. I would expect that with the way he's played this year, he'll get a chance to start somewhere in the league. I would look for Beachum to be the swing guy.

  15. Anonymous1:03 PM

    you don't think they would bring foster back?

  16. He'll get an offer to start somewhere else. He like won't have that in Pittsburgh.
