
Friday, January 11, 2013

Rainey situation different from others

I've been asked on Twitter what the difference is between what happened with rookie running back Chris Rainey and rookie nose tackle Alameda Ta'amu.

There are differences.

Rainey had been charged in 2011 with sending a threatening text to a girlfriend. But after speaking with Maurkice Pouncey, the Steelers felt he was worth taking a chance on.

He then had two minor incidents during the season before being charged with striking a woman in Florida this week. Obviously, Rainey hadn't gotten the message in regard to walking the straight and narrow.

While Ta'amu's drunk driving incident on the South Side was deplorable, it was his lone misstep while with the team. He's had no other issues since joining the Steelers. If he had, he would have been gone.

As it was, Ta'amu was suspended for two games and subsequently released and placed on the practice squad.

That alone cost him between $200,000 to $300,000 in salary this season.

Ta'amu is still on notice. If he makes another mistake or has another run-in with the law, he'll be released as well.

@ Former Steelers Jerome Bettis and Kevin Greene made the cut to be among the finalists for the Pro Football Hall of Fame this year.

The guess here is that Bettis gets in and Greene does not.

When Bettis became eligible for the Hall of Fame, he did so in the same year as Marshall Faulk and Curtis Martin.

At that time, the pecking order among those backs ranked them Faulk, Martin, Bettis.

Faulk got in the first year, Martin the next. Now, it's Bettis' turn.


  1. Reminds me of the Cedrick Wilson, James Harrison comparisons from a few years back. There too, the situations were quite different and I think the Steelers took appropriate action each time.

  2. Anonymous6:45 PM

    They know the situation better than we do. I'm gonna trust them on this one.

    -Zac in Tempe

  3. Dale
    Any news regarding the search for an OL coach and any more talk about getting another ST coach.

  4. Nothing on either front at this point. There's really no hurry.

  5. You have to think also that it's never going to be a completely level playing field and that some are worth investing more than others. Rainey never showed the quickness needed for one his size, nor much receiving ability. He showed straight line speed that worked well for kickoff returns but that's about it.

  6. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Greene is third all time in sacks. I think he at least deserves some serious consideration for the Hall.

  7. Anonymous10:56 AM

    So Ta'amu benefits for piling several felonies into 1 incident?

  8. Really... why do people try to compare each of these incidents as if there is some simple formula... or as if there is some black and white rule the Steeler's follow...

    It is obvious the Steeler's handle each situation as they feel it best serves the organization...

    It is just that simple and black and white.

  9. Greene is getting consideration. He's a finalist.
    He won't get in, though. At least not this time around

  10. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Love the there's no simple black and white formula, here's the simple black and white formula. Ancient Chinese secret, huh? Calgon take me away.

    Probably best not to embarrass and piss off the owner just hours after he poo-poos lack of discipline as a factor in their frustrating and freshly disappointing season.

  11. Discipline or lack thereof had nothing to do with this season. Injuries did.

    Are they undisciplined every time they don't make the playoffs? Ridiculous.

  12. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I don't entirely disagree with that. Although penalties had a role in defeats on the front half of the season. And abandoned gap fits on D had a lot to do with at least 2 losses. That's a discipline thing. Just saying Rainey's timing couldn't have been worse. Hours after Rooney defends the teams discipline, Rainey does this?

  13. Anonymous9:56 AM

    dale, do you think khan will head elsewhere or hang around for another year?

  14. If Omar gets a GM offer, it would be difficult to turn down
