
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bell likely to play this week

Working off the same time frame that they used in bringing tight end Heath Miller back last week, the Steelers will bring running back Le'Veon Bell back this week Mike Tomlin said at his press conference Tuesday.

Miller was on a "pitch count" last week, seeing action in 39 of 63 plays for the Steelers, who wanted to ease him back into things after a week and a half of practices.

Tomlin said the team feels better about Bell's conditioning than it did Miller's, so there is a possibility that he could see more than 2/3s of the offensive snaps.

Cortez Allen will also be back this week for the Steelers after missing the past two weeks with an ankle injury.

Tomlin said the Steelers are as healthy as they've been this season - the Maurkice Pouncey loss not withstanding.

Will that add up to any wins? We'll see.

@ Tomlin also said he met with guard Ramon Foster Tuesday morning to urge Foster to become more of a leader among the line group.


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Interesting that Tomlin mentioned that he asked Foster to be more of a leader for the line. Typically you would think that would be a private conversation, but I am sure there was a tactic to making it public.

  2. I think its total bullshit that tomlin asks his players to be more of a leader, ben, pouncey, now ramon. Leaders dont need to be asked to lead, they just do. You think tebow or brady or ray lewis have been asked to be more of a leader? No. Colbert needs to use this top 5 draft pick were getting next year to not only draft a stud, but a leader. Cause we dont have any.

  3. Foster was already taking a role as a leader. He worked with Velasco last week to get him ready for the game.

    Asking him to lead is putting more pressure on him to lead by example - ie. no mental errors in the game. Show the young guys how to do this correctly. You've been around here long enough, we need to be able to count on you not to make mental mistakes.

    At least that's my opinion of it.

  4. Foster missed the block that caused Ben's first fumble. he has been part of the problem on the OLine

  5. Every organization, whether it be pro football or otherwise has it's down moments, it's inevitable. Tomlin is doing what he should be doing. He's identifying the individuals who can lead (even in little ways) through their play, mentoring, or outright determination. He focuses them on the pushing their teammates and then pushes them all towards the organizations strengths (Miller, Brown, Bell) and he builds momentum. Failure is a habit (just like success). Tomlin isn't rolling over and waiting for the GM to draft the next Ray Lewis, he taking affirmative steps to turn the tide and I for one respect his effort.

  6. Anonymous2:42 AM

    The fact that Tomlin calls him out in his press conference is a coaching / motivating technique. Think about how you would feel if Mike Tomlin spoke your name aloud.

    Also two weeks seems mighty quick for a high ankle sprain, hoping he isn't rushing back.

  7. DaveN8:28 AM

    Odds that Bell, Allen, or Miller reaggravate their injury? I think they're done (read: no playoffs) already after the first 3 games, but I can see why they would potentially want to rush players back and risk reinjury at this point. If they lose to the Vikings though, they need to face reality, and start worrying about next year instead (play healthy guys, play rookies/ young guys, put in Gradkowski and Jones if Ben starts taking any kind of a beating). Stop believing the reloading nonsense - they're rebuilding now, whether they/we like it or not.

  8. Anonymous9:13 AM

    don't read to much into the "leadership" thing. every coach every year speaks with some of his players about stepping into larger roles on the team. the coach will by default seek out players who already have established themselves one way or another. no big deal. obviously, tomlin is expecting foster evolve from just a player to more of a team leader.

  9. i wonder if tomlin told ben to be more of a leader ?

    his comments on bell are surely team building and motivating. especially considering how well br has played during his last ten games !

  10. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Steve-O Failure is a habit (just like success).

    That is such a key statement about why the Steelers are in their current situation. Let me add that success is doing the little things right. There are big pictures issues that need to be resolved such as salary cap and player quality in some areas, all of which will work themselves out in time.

    However, there are little things that can be done right that can add to the team. The Steelers have lost some young talent to free agency, they always have since the beginning of free agency, that's the structure of the game. But in the case of Keenan Lewis, the issue appeared to be that they didn't know what they had until he played in his 4th year. If I'm not mistaken, a rookie's contract cannot be renegotiated until after his 3rd year. So why not evaluate all 3rd year players, whether or not starting, and make a determination of whether to offer a contract prior to their 4th year. In Lewis's case, by offering a contract after his 3rd year, the Steelers could have a starter at less than starter's wages. If he performs well, the Steelers are good at rewarding their own.

    Another example was releasing QB Brian Hoyer, who led Cleveland to victory this passed week. Either the Steelers had to make a short term roster move or their player evaluation is lacking. In either case, I think they lost a good player, not Johnny Unitas, but a player who looks better than our current backups.

    One final example was going for a long field goal against Tennessee last year. I can remember as soon as they made the decision to go for it, telling my wife it's a mistake. Granted, kickers miss field goals all the time, QBs miss throws, defenders miss tacklers, I don't expect perfection. However, in this age of computer technology, someone should have been able to figure out, what are the percentages of making a 50+ yard field goal and what are the consequences if we miss? Guaranteed the information is available, logic rather than emotion needs to decide some of these decisions. I know, sometimes the play defies the odds, the ball doesn't always bounce your way and injuries happen, but more little things need to be done right in order to change the Steelers fortunes.

  11. Anonymous Brian12:23 PM

    Re: Roethlisberger sounding like he's calling out Bell's work ethic.

    a) just talking like a veteran about a rookie, taken out of context a little bit, just some plain old "show me" that's not a big deal

    b) being a passive-agressive jerk because Bell is being seen as a potential savior

    c) brilliant pysch. strategy by brainiac Ben to motivate Bell

    d) once you open the bag of wind, who knows what will come out?

    e) guilt at previous injury-blabbering & exaggeration

    f) all of the above?

  12. Anonymous1:47 PM

    here here

    The Alleged Rapist been pulling this crap foreverrrrrr.

    it was cool when he was leading Steeler nation to Superbowls. Now he needs to stop turning the ball over before people start remembering how terrible of a person he's been.

  13. LiBerty Bell has been dinged and cracked since he was drafted.... He has played 4 snaps in 7 games...and people are flipping out over Ben saying I have no idea what he can do...what his deal day he is working hard...the next day he is gone....Thats the truth....he barely has been healthy enough to practice......Ben says he knows Heath...he sees him working his butt off to get back...thats because again...its true.

  14. Ben's radio interview comments about Bell don't make it sound like he's very healthy. I have a bad feeling that Bell is rushing back to be a hero and leaving himself open to reaggravating his injury.

  15. adamg4:54 PM

    I recall Faneca making similar comments about Ben when BR was named starting qb. It's probably just a veteren thing or, who knows, maybe BR is worried Bell will come run well enough, there are fewer pass play calls.
