
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday news, notes

Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger took part in drills Wednesday but did not participate in the team portion of practice.

It's no big deal, but Roethlisberger did admit the team's lack of  scoring in the first quarter of games, and more specifically on the opening possessions where they have yet to score, is a big deal.

The Steelers have scored one first quarter touchdown and total points in the first quarter and have just six first downs on their opening possessions when working off offensive coordinator Todd Haley's script.

But let's be honest, it's not just Haley's script, Roethlisberger has a say in what's on the script as well. He sits down with Haley every Saturday night and is given some veto power over what is run.

When asked about the lack of success off the script, however, Roethlisberger said reporters would have to ask Haley what's going wrong.

@ David DeCastro and Ramon Foster did not practice Wednesday, but Foster did pass his concussion tests. Look for him to practice Thursday.

DeCastro, meanwhile, was moving around well Wednesday despite sitting out. His sprained ankle does not appear serious.

@ For the record, LaMarr Woodley was not responsible for the quarterback on Terrelle Pryor's 93-yard touchdown run to open the game against the Raiders.

Woodley's responsibility in that situation was coming down the line of scrimmage on backside pursuit of the running back. Lawrence Timmons, who had shifted sides at the last moment with Vince Williams at inside linebacker, and Ryan Clark were responsible for Pryor.


  1. adamg8:01 AM

    You just have to shake your head at some of BR's comments and wonder what goes through his mind when he speaks. Maybe this is his idea of being a leader, but it sure comes off like he's trying to sabatoge the OC and/or the head coach.

    I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the Steelers will be better off when BR is no longer a part of the team.

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Every time Ben opens his mouth I dislike him even more. It's almost at the point where I would prefer a less talented QB that I actually respected.

    That said, this teams offensive struggles have everything to do with a lack of talent and not playcalling. No one on our offense is a threat to a defense. We don't have anyone who can pick up big yardage. We need a #1 WR and a line who can block and stay healthy.

  3. the offensive problems aren't ben's's definitely a lack of talent (WR) and health (OL).

    that being said, he's been throwing haley under the bus since the day haley arrived. one of the two wont be here next year - guess which one?

  4. Anonymous9:13 AM

    a friend of mine replayed the raiders game for me. amazing how many times #7 had open guys to throw it to but just passed them up or failed to pull the trigger. several times it resulted in a sack. they were the "quick decision" variety where if he just got the ball out right away the WR/TE would have a catch and plenty of space to run. i'm starting to think he just can't handle the offense and he only knows how to play one way - his way.

    i've also started wondering, given #7's past beatings and likelihood of more injuries if this draft is the time to bring in a QB. i know they drafted jones last year, but they will have better picks this year and they could draft a high quality player and give him a couple years to groom for the starting job, i.e. aaron rodgers.

  5. Initially when I heard the comment, I thought, here he goes again. But when I listened to it again, it was more like "that's a question about play calls, so you'll have to ask the coach."

    We actually get that a lot, when talking to guys about things. That's a question you'd have to ask the head coach, the defensive coordinator or offensive coordinator. A lot of times, it has to do with injuries or play calling.

  6. I get the frustration with Ben, but saying the Steelers are better off without him is ridiculous. Its not easy finding a franchise QB.

    As to marc's comment, doesn't it seem like Ben plays that way when the team is down? Like he wants to hit a big one all the time to bring the team back, when its not really in the best interest of the O. Look at the Balt and NJYJ games, when the score is close, he plays more discplined. Same thing with the first half of last year.

    I'm not trying to justify it, but he is a different QB with a lead and/or better D.

  7. Anonymous1:35 PM

    i don't know. on one of his sacks the play was around oakland's 20 yard line. miller comes off the line completely uncovered and brown ends up coming shallow across the middle and is also open. #7 just stands there and lets both of them go then starts dancing around trying to find someone to pass it to, then sacked. it was poor.

    you're right though, early last season they were clicking real well. but that's out the window now.
