
Friday, January 22, 2010

Who I like, conference championship games

After taking the donut last week - though I was 3-1 straight up – to fall to 2-6 in the playoffs I need to bounce back in a big way this weekend.

I will note, however, that I am one game better in this postseason and blow-hard Chris Berman, who's a miserable 1-7.

But I digress.

I like both home teams to win and cover this week. Here's why:

Try as they might, there's no way the Jets will shut down the passing game of Indianapolis. Peyton Manning is just too good.

And since the Colts haven't run the ball well all season long, they won't care if New York shuts down their running game. Manning has carried that offense - literally by throwing to guys like Pierre Garcon and Austin Collie – and he'll take the Colts to the Super Bowl.

Also, at some point, Mark Sanchez is going to have to lead the Jets to a score, particularly if Manning and company get ahead early. He won't be able to do it.

I like Indianapolis, 24-13.

The other game was a little more difficult until the final injury report came out. Pat and Kevin Williams are questionable, as is Percy Harvin, for the Vikings.

That's a big blow if any one of those guys doesn't play, let alone all three.

Drew Breese will pick apart a soft Minnesota secondary en route to a 31-24 win.

© Houston linebacker Brian Cushing has dropped out of the Pro Bowl, opening up a spot for LaMarr Woodley to make his first trip.

Woodley led the Steelers with 13.5 sacks this season.


  1. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Darnit Dale! i just picked the favorites in my pool and you went and ruined it ;-)

  2. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Agree about the Saints. I can't think of a logical reason to pick the Jets, but I think the football gods would love the irony of the Colts getting knocked off by the team they let in the playoffs.

  3. agree with anonymous above about the irony of it all.

    The Colts struggle against aggresive defenses in the playoffs. I have a hard time picking the Jets straight up but see them keeping it close. 24-20 Colts.

    Saints win easily over MN. 37-24

  4. I agree with Patrick about the Colts and Jets game but I think the Saints Vikings game will be a little closer than 37 to 24. Sorry My Opinion

  5. Anonymous2:15 PM

    i think the bye week, which is essentially 2 weeks of healing, made a huge difference for the saints and some injuries they had on defense. they throttled the cardinals and i expect them to cause many problems for the vikings. i predict favre will throw 2 or more picks and the saints will win by 2 TD's. new orleans will roll on to its 1st super bowl victory.

  6. Anonymous8:03 AM

    You got your mojo back, Dale, good picks.

  7. adamg8:42 AM

    MN did a good job of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Did they not know the rule that trying to trick your opponent by sending 12 men to the huddle is now illegal? And after a timeout, to boot. Favre, still making bone-headed decisions at age 43, tries a dangerous pass instead of running 5 or 6 yds upfield and out of bounds. Really, a well-deserved loss.

  8. Anonymous9:02 AM

    i loved every second of favre's demise in the second half. i thought he played well in the first half, but you could see him getting more and more reckless in the second half. throwing off his back foot, winging it 3/4's or side arm, his head flying off to the side like he's not even watching where it is going. then the last play, hopefully of his career, when he should have jogged 5 yards and went down he had to go for more and be the hero. what a great way to end the career of a selfish player.

    i ask you this, do you think BR would have run or passed the ball there?

  9. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I see a lot of simiarities between Ben and Brett. Both are gunslingers who take unnecessary risks. I'd like to think that Ben would run for 5 yards but I wouldn't bet my kid's college fund on it.

  10. adamg9:39 AM

    Right now, imho, BR is a younger version of Brett Favre. I would put the odds at 50/50 whether BR would have run or slung the ball up like Favre did there.

  11. you guys are crazy, BA would have obviously dialed up that Holmes pass.

    Or the Mewelde Moore sweep for negative 3. Thats a good call too.

    In all seriousness, bet that Ben would have been chucking it. And as much as he has that Favre like boneheaded plays in him, he is usually clutch with the game on the line.

  12. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Hopefully after last nite's game, the NFL will finally realize the OT rules need to be changed. Good, sloppy game last nite, but Favre should have been able to put his hands on the ball for at least 1 OT possession, as the current OT rules SUCK!!!

    It very easily could have been the outcome in last year's SB had the Steelers settled for 3, and then 1 team possibly not being able to touch the ball in OT.....

  13. Anonymous12:56 PM

    i agree the OT rules need to change. maybe an extra 10min quarter and if it's tied after that then just keep going 10min quarters until someone wins. at least in the playoffs.

    however, take note that 4 times a conference championship game has gone to overtime. the team that won the coin flip has only won 1 of those times.

    finally, there is no doubt in my mind that BR throws the ball like favre did and probably makes the exact same pass.

    elite QB's know when to throw, when to run, and when to throw the ball away. imo, favre dipped his toe into elite status for 2 or 3 seasons, but last night is why i can't consider him one of the best ever. his "gunslinger" persona is a relfection of taking unnecessary risks and too many interceptions. when BR stops taking sacks and throws the ball away he might have a chance at becoming an elite QB.

  14. Brian Cushing beat out LaMarr Woodley?
