
Saturday, March 06, 2010

Parker to visit Skins

Willie Parker will be the first Steelers free agent to make a visit elsewhere. He is reportedly heading to Washington on Monday to talk to the Redskins about a possible job.

Washington currently has injury-prone starter Clinton Portis and little else in its backfield.

The Redskins may be a good fit for Parker, who has had some injury issues in recent seasons himself. Between Parker and Portis, the Redskins may be able to keep one healthy back on the field for every game.


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Have they learned nothing from taking Steeler castoffs? Parker's best years are behind him and he may have a little left in the tank but the Redskins should be picking up a mid round runningback to spell Portis, not an injury prone, past his prime shell of his former self.

    It pains me to say that about FWP but it is reality. He's best suited to back up a healthy player like Mendenhall where he's asked to carry 3 or 4 times a game. Nevertheless, if the Skins are willing to pay him, who can blame him.

  2. I think Willie showed he can still get it done when healthy. When healthy is the key. Plus, he's a solid guy, much more so than Portis. who knows, maybe they think Portis is done.

  3. Pgh Saint8:41 PM

    Maybe Ben should head to Oakland where they take criminals.

  4. Anonymous10:16 PM

    What is going on with Big Ben?!? The first time I had my doubts, but twice?!? If it is true I hope he gets cut from the team. Assault/rape is unacceptable!

  5. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Dale I agree when healthy FWP can still get it done, but no more so than a mid round draft pick. His burst is gone and without that he's just a decent mid range running back. IF he were going to a team that needed a solid role model for a young running back that's one thing, but to go to a team with clinton Portis then I'm not so sure I'd want to invest in him.

  6. Anonymous4:16 PM

    ben has brought shame on the rooney family and the great steeler organization. the face of the franchise is at the least an idiot decison makerand at worse a criminal and either way not a person i want to see in my beloved black and gold. if I owned the steelers I would right now be seriously considering trading or cutting him. steelers are not the bengals. the steelers are the gold standard. time to show it

  7. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Dale, what's going on with Ryan Clark? Does he want too much money, or are the Steelers just pissed at him for running his mouth?

  8. Clark wants more money than the Steelers were offering.
    As for cutting or trading Roethlisberger, let's wait until we see what happens with the situation before making any rush judgments.

  9. Anonymous9:11 AM

    looks like clark will be joining the dolphins based on one of their blogger sites.

    so, that would put mundy as our starting free safety right now. hmmm, that certainly doesn't seem ideal for a secondary that struggled last year.

  10. I know we'd all rather have Clark, but this forces the Steelers to take a S in the first or at the latest, in the second, as well as hopefully some FA. I'm usually not a fan of need forcing the team's draft choice, but I really like the S prospects at 18.

    Clark is solid - when Troy is in the lineup. No reason to overpay for him.

  11. BlackNGold1:00 PM

    Adam Schefter just tweeted that it looks like the Steelers will be signing Will Allen to a 3yr deal today

  12. Anonymous1:21 PM

    i don't know much about allen, but his numbers look like crap.

  13. So did Clark's before he came to Pittsburgh. Look it up.

  14. Steelers Cheerleader4:54 PM

    Big Ben has been flagged for illegal use of the hands in Nevada, and now Geogia. I wonder how many other states will come to light just like Tiger Woods when all the women came out of the woods?
